Spring 2013 BAC JAPAN Design studio final presentations 28.03.2013

Spring 2013 BAC JAPAN Design Studio presentations past 28.march 2013.

With critics

BAC professors: Yoshihide Kobanawa, Ivan Llach, Justin Baroncea, Toni Montes, Jordi Mansilla, Jean Craiu

Visiting:  Tomoko Sakamoto, Josep Ferrando

Congratulations to all for all the successful projects and we hope that you have spent wonderful time at the BAC.

BAC JAPAN Spring 2013_ Study Travel 02 to OLOT-PALAMOS past 23.03.2013

Our Spring 2013 BAC JAPAN students in their second study travel have visited the built work of RCR Arquitectes in Olot – Palamos, a city in Catalunya outside of the Bar­celona area.

Some of the projects visited were the BELL LLOC WINERY, LES COLS RESTAURANT AND PAVILION, BATH PAVILION, RCR Workshop, TUSSOLS-BASIN TRACK AND FIELD STADIUM and PEDRA TOSCA PARK. The students learned firsthand from the architects about their firm’s attention to detail, landscape and site value, as well as their subtle natural lighting incorporation.

photos by Jean Craiu and Andrés Montemayor

Spring 2013 BAC JAPAN Design studio midterm presentations past 20.03.2013

Check out some pictures from the midterms presentations of our BAC Japan Spring 2013 course where we were able already to see their projects in the first stage of definition.

Critics that participated during the presentation were BAC director Miguel Roldán and BAC professors Yoshihide Kobanawa, Justin Baroncea, Ivan Llach, Toni Montes and Jordi Mansilla.

photos by BAC and Jean Craiu.

..here and there..Two parallel design studios in Texas and Barcelona

Reviewers for Monday 3/5

This past semester SPRING13 two parallel design studios where developing the same project area on the Texas A&M campus.

First one in Texas A&M University, Texas, USA led by MIGUEL ROLDAN, MARCEL ERMINY, J. CRAIG BABE and MICHAEL O’BRIEN and the other at the ETSAB Barcelona, Spain led by JAIME COLL, ANTONIO SANMARTIN and ELENA ROJAS.

TEXAS A&M Master of Architecture ARCH 606 was developing the research and architectural interventions on the PHYSICAL CONTEXT designing high-density buildings to accommodate Texas A&M’s expected growth through a process of concentration instead of a process of dispersion and Barcelona’s PROJECTOS IX-X projects were the results of the following the investigation lines of the research centers and working on ONTOLOGICAL CONTEXT of Texas A&M campus.

Soon, we’ll share with you project’s publication and video from the presentations, but till then check out some pictures from the both design studio final presentations.