“burning” studio at the BAC, March 2014

Our Clemson, Texas A&M and Cedim students are preparing for their 3rd quarters on Monday and our BAC Japan students are almost ready for the Midterms this Thursday.

This is how our “burning” studio looked like yesterday and we just LOVE IT!

Keep up with the great work all!

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Villa VPRO, MVRDV by Celso Rojas Texas A&M

Our students travelers are already back to normal busy rhythm with their classes, and sharing with us their pictures from the past week Netherlands trip.

This is photographic report that we’ve received from our graduate Texas A&M student Celso Rojas from their visit to Villa VPRO by MVRDV where all groups Texas A&M, Clemson and Cedim have met together.
thanks Celso for the photos!

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welcome Netherlands!

Just few hours to start another journey for our Spring 2014 students travelers and our two professors Ivan Blasi and Jordi Llacer!

7 cities in 7 days full of architecture, meetings, visits, guided tours and hopefully sunny Netherlands.

Have a safe travels all and bring us back many stories!



pre-midterms run at the BAC

BAC is very proud of all our students tonight!
We’ve made them surprise visit at the studio late this evening and this is what we’ve found at 11:30pm..The other half is with same picture at Resa.
Keep up all with the good work and we can’t wait to see your Midterm presentations on Thursday!

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